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Prof. Dr. Tsachy Weissman


Graduated summa cum laude with a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Technion in 1997. Earned a PhD from the same institution in 2001.
Worked at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories with the Information Theory Group until 2003. Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University since 2003. Spent the academic years 2007-2009 on leave with the Department of Electrical Engi­neering at the Technion.

Research focuses on Information Theory and Communications, Statistical Signal Processing, the interplay between them, and their applications. Inventor of several patents and involved in a number of companies as researcher or member of the technical board.

Honors include an NSF CAREER award, several best paper awards, Horev fellowship for Leaders in Science and Tech­nology, Henry Taub prize for excellence in research, incumbent of the STMicroelectronics Chair in the School of Engineering, and IEEE fellow. On the editorial boards of the IEEE Trans­actions on Information Theory and Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory.

Founding Director of the Stanford Compression Forum.