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Nadine Gottmann


born in 1985 in Friedrichshafen, raised in Ulm and the Swabian Alb.

2005 to 2010 - studies (Film, German Language and Literature and Philosophy) at the university of Cologne, including a se­mester abroad at the Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris. Meanwhile par­ticipation in many student film projects. Journalistic employ­ment/freelancer at SZ, Kölnische Rundschau et al. Student as­sistant at WDR. Lectorate internship at Colonia Media Film­production. Co-leadership of film workshops at the university of Cologne and Studiobühne.


2010 to 2015 - studies (screenwriting/dramaturgy) at the film university "Konrad Wolf" Babelsberg. Meanwhile scripts for se­veral short films. Co-Writer of the feature film "Wechselspiel". Nomination for the Sehsüchte Screenwriting Award for the script "Wir sind die Flut". Winner of the Degeto developement award "Impus" for "Ponyhof" (together with Sebastian Hilger).


Graduation with the script for the feature "Wir sind die Flut". Pre­miered on the 66th Berlinale / Perspektive German Cinema.

Currently based in Leipzig with her family.