STEMEEE Conference Logo engl


Workshop II

»Responsible science, innovation and communication in higher education for STEM fields and media:

Impulses for film and STEM education and for the cooperation between film universities and STEM universities«


In this workshop Prof. John Tintori, Associate Arts Professor in the Graduate Film Program in the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, and Academic Director of the Production Lab at New York University will offer his insights on this topic.


Dr. Bernold Feuerstein (Max-Planck-Institute for astrophysics), Nadine Gottmann (screenwriter), Sebastian Hilger (director) will share their experiences of the collaboration with Dr. Feuer­stein on realizing their final exam movie »We are the flood« (»Wir sind die Flut«) which will premiere in German cinemas November 2016.

Moderation: Torsten Zarges